Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dearest Liver...

I had a doctors appointment Monday and found out I need to have surgery. I'm not really looking forward to it, who would be. I have spots on my liver called hepatic adenomas cause from estrogen in birth control pills. I've been to 4 doctors, 2 liver surgeons, 5 hospitals in 3 different states, and had so many tests done that I have lost count. So now I need to have a liver resection, they will be removing 30% of my liver. The surgery is not super crucial that I need to have it done right away and I would normally wait but if I ever want to have any more kids I need to get it taken care of. When you're pregnant since your estrogen is higher it can make these spots grow bigger to the point that they can rupture and I could bleed internally. Hepatic adenomas occur in less than 0.004% of the population. Yay me! I sure wish these odds could have been directed towards something a little more exciting like the lottery. 

I cannot stop stressing out about having surgery. I don't know why, I had my gallbladder removed the exact same way so you think I'd be ok with it. My anxiety is so high because of all of this. I've been a wreck since Monday. I'm just trying to not think about it now.

Today I got everything set up for it. My surgery is on Wednesday November 21st, which also happens to be my birthday. Happy Birthday to me! I never really do anything too exciting for my birthday so why not sit in a hospital. At least I can't say I have nothing to do on my birthday. Just trying to look on the bright side I guess.  

The part in red is what is being removed.