Sunday, November 4, 2012

Counting down....

I have a count down going on in my head and I wish it would just go away. I wish I could stop stressing about this surgery. I am worried about missing school, it effecting my grades, and of course the worse. I am one of those people who will over think everything and pick it apart from every angle about what could possibly happen. My daughter goes to preschool/daycare and the day before my surgery she is scheduled to go until 5pm. I mentioned to a friend I may pick her up early to spend time with her before I have surgery. She asked why, what's different, and I said, "what if I die." Why do I even think about this stuff? Why do I torture myself? I hate that I think these things, am I the only one who does this?? Am I that weird?


  1. I dissect everything too, it's completely normal. There is always a risk when you're under anesthesia, but the chances of something happening are minuscule. If you feel like you need to pick Bella up from daycare it! Do whatever it takes (within reason) to make yourself feel better and calm your nerves! You are going to do great!

    1. Thanks Shara. I'm sure afterwards I will look back and laugh about how stressed I was.
