Sunday, November 11, 2012

Drugs Destroy

So this past Friday some really crazy stuff went down where I grew up, including: the city’s police department, a negotiator, an evacuation of an apartment building, a battering ram, taser guns, broken windows, doors broke in half, glass everywhere, two arrests, and the SWAT team. This place had drugs, disgusting pictures all over the walls and floor, and a baby was soon to be brought into all of this. The cleanest room in this place was what was to be the baby’s room. It was said that a friend of theirs had stuff in it and they had been trying to get him to come get it. As I walked pass this room I seen a picture on the floor of a baby and realize it’s a friend’s child. I start to notice a bunch of them. Then I see mail of his. Turns out he is the person who had been staying there. After seeing what this place looked like it broke my heart knowing he was staying there. This is what his choices in life had brought him to. When I say this person is a friend I use the term loosely. We were pretty good friends for years, then I got engaged, pregnant, moved out of state, and got married and he seemed to fade away. We don’t talk much anymore, rarely at all because of his choices. He has brought himself to this place in his live where he is living in a house infested with meth, pipes everywhere, filth, disgusting pictures, who knows what else. It saddens me because he could have, and still can, achieve so much more in life. It’s sad how drugs can destroy a person so much to resort to living in these conditions. I found out he is currently a wanted fugitive and it actually makes me happy when he is incarcerated. At least I know he’s sober and thinking clearly. If only he could stay sober. I know these are his stupid choices and I don’t feel bad at all. It’s just heartbreaking that someone who meant so much to me is living like this. He still means something to me and I still love him but we will never be the friends we were because of his choices.   ..... I just had to vent, thanks for listening. 

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